We understand that there is a long way to go before we can achieve such a community.. but computers and the Internet are making the impossible possible everyday - especially in the realm of media communication. There are numerous websites related to Bangladesh and the Bangladeshi community which collectively enrich us everyday and in so many ways. BanglaCafe is our contribution to this on-going effort to help develop a Positive and Uplifting community that will help Bangladesh step into the 21st century.
Banglacafe Life:
BanglaCafe was founded in October 1999. It was just an IRC room at the beginning stage. Some other features such as Free email, MatchMaking, Music, Games etc. were added later on. After one year, BanglaCafe launched its own independent IRC server, which is currently the biggest Bangladeshi owned IRC server on the net! BanglaCafe IRC Network (irc.banglacafe.com) is running in Chicago, IL, USA.
BanglaCafe was first started by few online friend's dedicated enthusiasm and hard work. Few names that must have to mention here are, Lincoln, Fubu, Shonchita Islam, Nimun, Nishi, A.K.M. Islam, Rocket, Russel, MR9, Subid, Prince, Purna, Lovelu, Alvi, Voipai, XAN, Neelakash, KILLA_UK , GouroB , Eros. Also hundreds of online friends, without their encouragement and advice nothing would have been possible; our thanks goes to all of them from the bottom of our hearts.
Network Admins
Lovelu (Lovelu)
Voipai (Ronjon)
XaN (Faisal)
KILLA_UK (Alamgir)
JUBAiR (Jubair)
GouroB (Salman)
Nickle (Sohel)
Services Admins
Protic (Mustafiz)
Server Admins
Bouncer ( Hasnain )
Chuchu (Mukta)
HD ( Osman )
Kins ( Rasel )
BrownGuy ( Abdul Lateef )
ALicE ( Katie )
Server Co-Admin
Wabbit (Shammi)
Tasu (Tasrin)
Aparajita (Aparajita)
kRYPTiK (Onir)
Mrinmoy (Ratul)
R0N0 (Rono)
D0N (Samin)
- BanglaCafe Java & Irc Server are running in Chicago, IL, USA. Both servers are on a Multi gigE network running on Freebsd. Web server is running on Apache Web Server ( Apache 1.3 )
- BanglaCafe Website is designed/maintained by Alvi Sharif
- BanglaCafe Java Chat Applets is designed by Alvi Sharif / GouroB
- BanglaCafe IRC servers (SSL & non-SSL) maintained by GouroB / JUBAiR
IRC news and info:
IRC Server (chat server) Updates |
Other News |
Banglacafe Get togather:
BanglaCafe is currently the one of the biggest Bangla premiere entertainment website on the net! We like to call ourselves a 'community' rather than just a regular website. Our online community is built by thousand of users from thousands of different places all over the world. Unlike other websites, our users know each other, make new friends and communicate with each other LIVE everyday through BanglaCafe!
We are not just even an online community existing on the net, we have extended our community in the real world too. Not to mention about individual interaction and meeting in real life, we have also arranged few BIG get-together events on behalf of our site
BanglaCafe's first Get-together was in Dhaka, Bangladesh. It was organized in December, 2001. More than 350 users joined the event and more than 300 tickets were sold. The show was a huge success. Along with many singers/bands, there were lots of events in the program. The whole show was broadcasted live for the users abroad who couldn't join the program. Please Click here for few pictures captured from the show.
BanglaCafe second Get-Together was organized in UK, June 2002. A day trip was arranged on behalf of BanglaCafe to the UK's most popular theme park - Alton Towers. The trip was exciting and also a major success. Click here for few pictures we have in our collection.
BanglaCafe is organized a third get together on January, 2003 at Dhaka, Bangladesh. This show was another success. Please Click here for images.
BanglaCafe had the 4th Get Together Party in Dec 31st, 2005 @ EFES-GULSHAN-1, Dhaka. Check out the pictures gallery: http://www.banglacafe.com/gtg/gallery/index.html
To Join Our Java chat:
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